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Teen Vogue X Parsons: Retail Marketing Assignment

For my Teen Vogue X Parsons certification program, I had to visit a store and check out their displays, visuals, and the overall design/layout of their store. A while back, I went to Zara in a local mall. I chose to speak about this particular display because I enjoy how aesthetically pleasing it is. This is just one of the many clothing racks featured in their store. What I love about these two rack displays as well as their other racks are that all of the clothing pieces fit together in a specific theme. They are not necessarily color coded, but they play off of each other in a fun way that will guide the customer in their shopping experience. Zara has always been a favorite of mine, not only because of their amazing clothing but the way they display them. Some stores overly decorate which takes away from the clothing. I have always been a firm believer that the clothing should speak for itself. Designing a store in a minimalistic way is a great way to do that. If a piece of clothing or multiple garments are displayed in a certain way, that is going to ultimately contribute to the decision of whether or not the customer purchases that piece. A lot of times, people like to see garments put together for them, for a more easier shopping experience. Organization is key as well. You don't want to walk into a store and be bombarded by a pile of messy clothes. That is going to be much more difficult to pick through the clothing which could lead to a customer's frustration which, odds are they may end up leaving without purchasing anything. Zara is a store that organizes their clothing mostly based on the style/theme of the clothing. Along the walls and corners of the store, you'll find their seasons trendy/ must have pieces categorized by style. In the middle of the store, you can usually find basics or hot ticket items when you walk in. And, of course, you can typically find sale racks near the cash registers or toward the back of the store. I love their shelving and racks too. They always showcase this seasons pieces on racks located around the walls of the store, but on the bottom they feature some shoe options the customer could pair with the clothing they've picked from that rack and sometimes they place a few jewelry/accessory options too. And I can't forget their window displays. They don't go overboard when displaying the seasons pieces on their mannequins. They always highlight easy to wear pieces that they believe customers are going to want to wear. They typically feature more of those items in areas of the store where the customer is unlikely to miss them. And they also scatter a few mannequins where they feel they are needed to emphasize the trendy looks they put on display. Zara store layouts are easy to walk through and there is normally a clear walkway through the store.

Thanks and hope you enjoyed! :)  


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