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Teen Vogue X Parsons: My Mockup

One of my Teen Vogue X Parsons course assignments is to design and create a mockup of a purse/bag. So this is what I came up with. It's essentially going to be like an envelope clutch. I made this mockup out of sturdy paper, folded, and added the details like the closure and zipper. Here are a few looks at the sides, back and front of my mock up. 

This is a sketch of what I am envisioning as the fabrics and designs for the final product. The closure and fastening details will probably be a silver embellishment detail of some sort. That includes the closure on the front and zipper on the back. Essentially, the top part of the bag will be made out of a turquoise metallic plastic and on the inside of the bag I think a cotton fabric will go well to line the inside. The bottoms half of the bag will be made out of a cotton fabric as well with a black and white bandana print on it. I like the look of the mixing of the prints as well as the mixing of the fabrics. The touch factor will be fun to play around with. 

And here you'll find some estimated numbers on cost of materials, production, profit, etc. of the product: 


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