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Teen Vogue X Parsons: Envelope Clutch

In this blog post I am sharing an envelope clutch bag that I made for one of my Teen Vogue X Parsons courses. For the assignment, I had previously made a sketch and a mockup of the product. Now, I had to take those ideas and translate them into a "final product". I love the idea of mixing prints so that is why I have both a bandana pattern as well as a simple striped pattern too. The challenge for this assignment was to add a striped fabric. We could make the stripes however we wanted so I just took simple fabric and added ribbon, in order to create a striped look. You'll notice there are pins on the product. I used pins to keep everything held in it's place. For this assignment, I didn't sew the pieces together, because I can't really sew. But the pinning, does just as good in order for me to get an idea of what it would like like. 

Here are the numbers and financial side of the product: 


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