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Wanderlust: Greece

Lately, I've been daydreaming about traveling. While scrolling through Tumblr and Pinterest I couldn't help but dream and wonder about places around the world. If you have a mind like mine it's pretty hard not to see the beauty in new experiences. I have a bad case of wanderlust ( the desire to travel and wander). It's so amazing when you look at a picture and instantly fall in love. For me it's all about  stepping outside of reality and living a different life for a little while. 

On the top  of my bucket list and what has been on my mind for a while is Greece. I can't stop dreaming and thinking of what it's like there. What's really cool about Greece is that it is right on the water which makes everything prettier. The style and unique architecture creates such an amazing vibe and experience. Saying I'm in love is an understatement.

If you can't picture yourself walking down these crooked, little passageways then I don't get you. It's such a simple thing to look at, but through my eyes, it's a whole world just waiting for me. 

There are just so many amazing things about this incredible place. Just imagine eating breakfast outside and viewing all of the little houses as the sun rises. Or eating an amazing dinner as you view the water while the sun sets. I can't even imagine all of the things you could do during the day, like sightseeing, going to the beach, or just taking walks. There is just so much that runs through my head, and the fashion, I could only imagine based on what I see, is probably amazing! 


  1. Although I've not been there, I've heard from those who have and they feel the same way about it as you do. So definitely, plan that trip and take it.


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