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Tips for the Perfect Closet

     For many people, their closet is their pride and joy! It's the place where we hide presents or throw the clothes and junk we have no place for. For me, my closet is the place where each piece of clothing has it's own little home. Your closet is the place where everything is meant for you. I've always dreamed of having a huge closet with lots of shelves, lots of space, an island in the middle, filled with clothes from the ceiling to the floor, and a chandalair hanging from the ceiling. I would be in heaven!! The closet is have doesn't compare but I make do with what I have. Here are some tips to the having the perfect closet.
     Tip #1: What to keep in your closet! Staple pieces are a must in everyone's closet. Staple pieces you should have are: a denim jacket, leggings, Spring dresses, printed bottoms, neutral colored cardigans, Spring rompers, and cute, basic tops that go with everything. It is so easy to find these pieces and so inexpensive.
      Tip #2: Organizing your closet is key. It is great to keep your clothing in an orderly way to that you know where everything is. I normally keep all of my dresses together, pants together, sweaters together, etc. I, personally, love keeping my clothes this way, especially organized by season. It makes me so happy when everything is in its place. 
      Tip #3: Depending on the size of your closet, you may have more room. What do you do with all that room, you ask? I'd recommend keeping a shoe rack or a couple shelving units. I switch out my shoes when the seasons change, I keep a bin of the shoes I'm not using on the top rack of my closet. As for shelving units, I put a lot of the things I don't use in them, like notebooks, hair supplies, or stuff from when I was little. You could also put books in them, your purses, or makeup.
      Tip #4: If you have a shopping addiction like me, you are going to run out of space with all the clothing you buy. That is why it is important to clean it out so there is lots more room for more clothes!!! It is also important to do that because trends change quickly. Keeping clothes you don't wear is only going to take up more needed space. To get the perfect closet, you are going to want to be stocked up on all the latest trends. Giving away unwanted, old clothes or clothes that don't fit to charity is your best bet. 

Hopefully these tips will help you to create an amazing closet. Among these tips, you are also going to want to add personality to your closet. That will make it the perfect closet. It's all about adding personal touches and being happy with your own style. Keeping up with trends is important when creating the perfect closet. 


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