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Top 5 fashion trendsetters/inspirations

1. Kylie Jenner
She is by far my number one fashion inspiration. I can't even begin to explain her amazing fashion sense. She has become an amazing inspiration to many teenage girls who have a passion for fashion. With her incredible Pacsun line with her sister, that targets most teenage girls like me, she has created an amazing following. My one wish would be to have her closet. She has such amazing pieces in her waredrobe that create amazing looks. Her style is a little bit edgy but also very laid back and unique. There isn't a picture I've seen that isn't on point. She never disappoints when it comes to the latest trends and she is always a step ahead of the game. Her Instagram account, with more than 7.8 million followers, is by far one of my favorite accounts. Her outfits speak for themselves as the paparazzi snaps picture after picture. Because the media is always around her, she has to keep up with the latest trends, and I've noticed that ever since she chopped her hair short, everyone has been doing it, and I have to admit, I have been considering it. 

2. Vannessa Hudgens 
Vanessa's style has defiantly changed since High School Musical ( and for the better.) I have fell in love with her amazing festival wear clothing. What I love about her style is she makes it looks so carefree and perfect without even trying. Lately, I've been obsessed with floppy hats, and Vanessa can totally pull them off. She also wears a lot of maxi skirts and dresses, paired with cute crop tops, which are a huge trend for Spring and Summer. She has been one of my inspirations for a while and one of my favorite things about her is her Coachella pics. Each outfit is the definition of perfection.

3. Mylie Cyrus
Although she has been a little crazy lately, her fashion sense is on point. Before she cut her hair and went crazy, she had amazing style. Don't get me wrong, she still does, but she has defiantly changed since her breakup. She has a very edgy look and portrays it in an effortless way. Not to mention her signature top-knot bun. It has become an effortless hairstyle for many teenage girls. She is by far one of the top trendsetters of this generation. Like most celebrities her age, she constantly has the cameras on her, which forces her to keep up with the trends. Mylie defiantly expresses herself through her clothing and appearance and it is ever-so-changing. She is probably the number one celebrity who has changed the most and her fashion sense continues to evolve. 

4. Selena Gomez
Like most former Disney channels stars, she has defiantly changed over time. And we notice that in the shocking movie, Spring Breakers. She has always kept it casual but cute. One of the reasons why I am inspired by her is her clothing line. But also that she is simple and anyone can find what she is wearing. Selena is very different from most of my fashion role models. I am inspired by that edgy but bohemian style, but Selena isn't like that. She keeps it really simple and cute. And that is one thing that everyone should know, that you should feel comfortable and cute in anything you wear. 

5. Kendall Jenner
Like her sister, Kylie, she comes from a family of amazing fashion sense. Her and her sister have similar styles, but at the same time they are very different ( if that makes any sense.) Anyway, Kendall's style is more laid back and athletic. She focuses a lot on exercise and working out but also keeps it fashionable. Her Kendall and Kylie line is truly amazing and frankly, I would like to buy the whole thing. It is both a mix of Kylie and Kendall's styles. Kendall creates very laid back and trendy style with her simple pieces. What is most impressive about Kendall is her modeling career. From a very young age she began perusing her dream of modeling, and has been able to travel around the world because of it. She is around some of the most famous designers and has access to many different amazing brands. She has an amazing view of the fashion world and is always on trend. Models are hands down some of the most fashionable people because they are part of the incredible process of designing. 


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