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Coffee Talk: How To Stay Organized & Deal With Stress

I haven't done a Coffee Talk in a while so I figured that with college classes starting back up again (ugh!) I would share some of my thoughts and basic tips on how to get through those stressful college days! So grab a cup of coffee/tea and keep reading!!
 I have always considered myself to be a pretty organized person. I love keeping notebooks and planners and staying organized. And yes, I am the type of person who (most times) gets excited when shopping for bts supplies (especially stationary). I would say that first off, if you don't keep a planner, HOW!? How do you even get things done!? I literally write every little thing down because I don't want to forget anything. If you don't already keep a planner or at the very least a to-do list, then I suggest that is the first thing you should do, it will make your life A LOT easier! I also thinks it's great to keep a wall calendar, particularly placed where you typically do your work (i.e.: your desk). 
I also keep a separate notebook for general use. Sometimes I keep passwords for school in it lol or if I just need to write something for a class that I need at all times. I always carry both a (cute) planner and a (cute) general notebook in my bag. 
Another thing to do is make sure all your notebooks, binders, and folders are labeled. You do not want to bring the wrong notebook to class. Also, be sure to have a specific space to keep your books. Don't just throw them on your desk or bed. For me, using a small shelf is just right. Right next to my desk, I have a small shelf and I organize my books based on what days I need them. So for example, I have a Mon/Weds. shelf and a Tues/Thurs. shelf. If you aren't typically an organized person, it may take some time to develop better habits. 
This is probably a given, but make sure you have your own space to do homework and such. Yes going to the library is great, but sometimes you need a quiet and isolated space for yourself to be alone with your thoughts, minus any distractions. Trust me, you'll see great improvements!
Also, here's a great tip, especially for Freshmen: READ THE SYLLABUS/WEEKLY SCHEDULE AHEAD OF TIME!! I cannot stress this one enough! I took a class freshman year that kicked my butt. My professor never told us to keep up with the schedule or to read it before coming to class. She never warned or reminded us of any projects/assignments, she just expected us to be aware of them. And I learned it the hard way. Yes, I should have already have known to read the schedule before hand, but, I was a clueless freshman lol! After all, we are college students and adults. 
Are you the type of person that rushes to get ready in the morning? Well here are some small things to do to avoid being late. First, pick out your clothes the night before!!! For some this could be easy but sometimes you have those mornings when you hated what you picked out, so have some options ready. I like to pick out like 2 possible outfits. Have at least 2 tops and 2 bottoms to choose from. This simple trick will limit the amount of time it takes you to get ready. 
Another thing that can be helpful is to get all your books ready the night before as well. Keep them in a place, possibly right next to your bag so you can grab them an go. This could also be packing your bag the night before and making sure everything is ready to go. 
Getting up earlier is always a plus, but trust me, I've been there many times when I don't wanna get out of bed. It is truly a struggle, but it doesn't hurt to go to bed a little bit earlier! Also, set at least 2 alarms. I do them in half-hour increments. Especially, if you either live alone, your roommate won't be there, or any other people in the house are already gone. 

Along with staying organized, it is important to deal with stress as best as you can. Now, I am no expert on this and many times freak out due to stress, but I do have some basic tips that may be helpful to keep in mind. Now, the more organized you are the less stressed you'll have to deal with, at least that's what I think! These two topics go hand in hand with each other. But you can be the most organized person in the world and you will still get stressed out. But I always like to think that you are stressed because you care, which is a good thing. 
Dealing with countless deadlines and due dates is my number one stress, along with working on group projects, I hate it so much, but time management is huge! DO NOT WAIT TILL LAST MINUTE TO DO SOMETHING! Prioritize your time. If you have time in your schedule, go to the library to work on your assignment, or at least get a head start, even if it's just a half hour. Trust me, it never hurts to finish something early. Give yourself enough time to finish an assignment and keeping an eye on the class's syllabus/weekly schedule is going to be your number one advantage! 
Also, get enough sleep, especially during the week. Don't stay up foolishly late to watch tv. There are DVRs for a reason! 
Eat a good breakfast too. You do not have to eat eggs, bacon, and pancakes, but at least get a little something in your stomach. Even if it's just a granola bar or cereal. I keep a bunch of snacks in my bag because 1. I don't want to buy food on campus (gotta save that money!) and 2. I get very hungry during the day since most times I am on campus for the majority of the day!
Stress is just a part of life and everyone has there own way of dealing with it. We all have our stresses in life and it comes in amounts that we are capable of handling! I already did a blog post on how to deal with stress and things to do when you need to relax, so check that out for more:

Thank You & Hope You Enjoyed!


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