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Bedroom Decor: How I Decorate My Room

I love decorating my room in new, fun ways, so I thought I would share a few looks of my favorite parts of my bedroom. My bedroom is my happy place, its my own space where I can relax and be by myself after a long day. I like to think of my room as pretty simple and it reflects who I am, as one's room should. The theme is black and white mostly, however, there are many pops of color that reflect a little bit of my personality!

I love stacking my notebooks and books like this! I think it adds a fun touch and a pop of color. I keep notebooks, books, and agendas here that I either need to reference or that I don't use anymore and keep for decorative reasons. 

This area of my room is my desk/workspace. This long white desk is from IKEA and I've divided it into two sections. This half is my desk, where I do homework, blog, and browse the internet. The other half (not pictured) is dedicated to where I do my makeup. But I specifically wanted to focus more on my desk part of it. First off, I recently put up these cute wall frames. I, of course, got the idea from Pinterest. It's super easy and inexpensive to achieve. There are so many websites where you can find free downloadable printables that fit to your aesthetic! I also decorated my desktop with a cute lightbox sign. I purchased mine from Amazon and I love it! Every now and then I love changing the quote. It was very affordable and really adds to my overall look. And I can never forget to burn a candle. At the moment, I am burning my pumpkin spice one, yes I know I've already broken out my fall scents! Another fun wall hanging is this marble clock, from Target. It definitely goes with my whole room theme!

Next to my desk, I keep a small bookshelf. This is super helpful for me. I keep all my books here based on what days of the week I need them, I love organizing and keeping things neat. Atop the bookshelf, I have a cute frame that says "EAT, Sleep, Dream". Instead of hanging it, I decided it would break things up by just leaning it against the wall and shelf. Above that I keep a small wall calendar. It's simple and very helpful. Even though I have a planner, I like to keep a wall calendar because it's easy to see and is right next to my bed when I wake up in the morning. Tip: Keep it in a convenient place so that you have access to it and don't forget things. 

This is my clothing rack that I don't know what I did without it before I had it. I got mine from Amazon. Since I have a major shopping addiction, I have very little room left in my closet, so I needed a cute and simple way to keep more of my clothes. Here I keep some of the clothes that I've been wearing a lot, the "at the moment" season necessities, or some of my newer pieces. I have always loved when stores have minimal decor and they let the clothes speak for themselves, so that's kind of the look I was going for (using my clothes as a detractive element). And it looked kind of plain there by itself so I added a cute wall decor that I found at Target a while ago above it. 

Lastly, this is where I sleep lol! My comforter is a floral black and white pattern (from Target, can you tell I'm obsessed with Target?!) that really goes with my theme. For some extra decor, I keep a few decorative pillows with cute sayings on my bed, Tip: you can get them anywhere! But my favorite part is my wall tapestry. It's from Target and I love how it plays off of the pattern on my bed. Before that wall had anything on it, it was definitely very plain so now that it's there it makes a perfect fit. In the very corner, I keep a simple storage unit where I keep my perfumes and lotions, my iHome (where I charge my phone), my extra phone cases, and my echo dot. 
Of course, there is much more of my room that I haven't shown but I chose carefully a few spots in my room that are my favorite. I hope you enjoyed! I have always had a love for interior design! I hope these decor ideas inspired you! 


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