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Coffee Talk: Relaxation Tips

Grab a big cup of coffee, because I'm talking about some must have tips on what to do when things get a little bit too stressful. Many times during the day, I feel like I just either want to laugh, cry, freakout, or scream when I feel overwhelmed. As a student, there are many freakout instances. But I try to handle them as best as I can. So here are some ways that help me to relax and unwind:
1. Alone Time
Being on the go is fun, at times. I love having a packed schedule and being busy. It helps to keep the mind from overthinking. But, it can definitely get to be too much. You need to learn when it's time to have some time to yourself. Being surrounded by people for a good part of the day whether it's work, class, or play can take a toll on you. That is why, at the end of the day, or really whenever, I like to take time alone. I think it's good for your mental health to just be calm and in a place where you feel relaxed. My room is my favorite place for this. I can turn the lights off, listen to music, burn a candle, and watch Netflix. That is truly bliss to me!
2. Listen to Music
I love listening to music. Sometimes in the shower, laying in bed, in the car, or running on the treadmill. No matter what I am doing, it definitely helps me to relax. Most times, I belt out singing or just start to dance! Dancing is another way to help me get out of my head and just stop overthinking. I love a good Beyonce song, or Drake, or Big Sean song at the moment. Just dance the frustrations out!
3. Burn A Candle
My favorite thing to do, especially in the winter, is burn my favorite candle. I love the whole vibe it gives out to fill the whole room. I love pairing it with a big cozy blanket and of course my current Netflix show. It's the perfect recipe for relaxation. 
4. Make Tea
I have this crazy obsession with tea! I mean its healthy and delicious, so I'm good with that. But in all seriousness, tea is basically just a big mug of happiness and warmth. At the end of a long day, I love putting my feet up and sipping on some hot tea before bed. It definitely soothes the mind and soul. Chai is my all time favorite!!
5. Spend Time With People You Love!
I love coming home to my family. Enjoying their company is a way that helps me to relieve my stress. They never fail to make me happy even when I've had a long/frustrating day. Spending time with them helps me to turn my brain off and just enjoy the moment. No matter what we are doing, it's good to be in the moment with them., even though sometimes it can be too much lol. 
6. Exercise
Some may feel this is not a way to relax, however, I think it is. It depends on what types of exercise you are doing but I think a workout is a great way to relieve stress. Doing things like yoga, Zumba, Kickboxing, or just cardio can help you to shut your brain off and get all your frustrations out in your workout. Plus, its great for your mind and body. My favorite is taking a Zumba class. The loud music and the positive, light hearted vibes help me to get in the zone and focus all my energy on dancing and moving around.
7. Sleep It Off
This may not be the most productive way to relieve your stress, but 9 times out of 10, it does the trick. Turn the lights off, put on some soothing music, and get under the covers. Don't overthink (easier said than done) and just sleep your worries away. Try your best to focus on the music instead of cramming your brain with thoughts.

Hope these tips help whenever you need to relieve your stress! 


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