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12 Fashion Tips

Here are some fashion rules/tips that I live by. Every girl has her own unique way of dressing, which makes us who we are, but in case you are looking to spice up your look, here are some tips that I think are important to keep in mind when you are getting dressed!
Layer When Necessary
Layering is my absolute favorite thing to do, that is during the fall and winter months. When the weather gets a bit chilly in the early mornings and nights, it is important to be sure you are ready for the whole day. Layering, not only looks great, most times, but also is necessary when it comes to the weather. There is no worse feeling than feeling cold and regretting you didn't bring your jacket or when you are sweating to death because when you left the house in the morning you wore a sweater because it was cold outside. Layering is a great way to stay in fashion, I don't believe that it will ever go out of style. 
Embrace Your Shape
For some this is easy, but for others this is very difficult. My best advice is try on clothing before you purchase it. Bring in multiple sizes of a piece of clothing into the dressing room and try them all on. Pick the one that is the best fit and buy that one! Know your body and what styles look good on you is super important in the fashion world. That is why it is important to experiment with different styles of clothing. So, the next time you are doing some shopping and you come across something you've never worn before like a maxi dress or off the shoulder top, try it on! Finding pieces that emphasize the best parts of your body will do wonders on your confidence.
Be Comfortable 
This might be a given. No one, I repeat, no one likes the feeling of being uncomfortable. There is no worse feeling than being uncomfortable at a party, especially when everyone is dancing and having a good time. So before heading out to your next event, try on multiple outfits, to be sure that the one you choose will having you looking and feeling confident and comfortable the whole time. It's important to find that happy medium when selecting the perfect outfit to wear. Don't wear something if its too tight and constricting your breathing or even too flowy. 
Keep Up With Trends
To some this may be what fashion is all about, but either way, this is a huge piece of the fashion world. It is important to know what's in and what isn't. Trends have a way of overtaking the now and them quickly vanishing. However, many trends tend to come back to light and are worn in different ways. The whole "high waisted denim" look was all the rage in the 80s and look where we are now. In case you are wondering what some current trends are here are some: velvet, off-the-shouder tops, over-the-knee boots, athleisure, chokers!
Build Off A Trend
When putting together an outfit, I like to build off a specific trend. For example, if I choose to wear an off-the-shoulder top I'd base my whole look on that trend. In some cases, it's okay to wear multiple trends together in one look, but at time, it can get to be too much. You want to make a statement, but you don't want to look like you just randomly picked out clothes to wear with the lights off lol. And also, make sure the trends go with one another. Be matchy, but not too matchy!
Mixing Prints/Patterns
So this has always been a huge controversy. It totally depends on what the pattern/print is. First off, they should have similar colors. This would make the combo look aesthetically pleasing. Secondly, you wanna be sure that one print dominates over the other (big print/pattern vs. a smaller print/pattern) the smaller would be your accent print/pattern. Neutral colors are really easy to match when mixing prints/patterns. Also, if you are using similar prints/patterns, it is great when they are inverted. For example, white stripes on a black background and black stripes on a white background. 
Dress For The Event 
Before you rush out the door, make sure that what you are wearing is appropriate for the event you are attending. If you are going to a formal event, where something fancy and formal. If you are going to a casual event, dress casually. I've seen many people dress the wrong way at different types of events. And trust me, it really isn't that hard to dress for the event. If you don't know what to wear, I suggest asking around to others who will be attending that same event, that way if you are both dressed similarly, you can both be either under or over dressed together. And if the event has a certain guest of honor, it's never good to be dressed fancier than them. 
Dress According To The Weather
With that being said, you should always dress with the weather, even though sometimes the weather can't make up it's mind. You never want to be that person wearing flip flops in the snow or wearing a turtleneck in 80 degree weather. 
Make A Statement 
There's no better feeling than being complimented at a certain event. If you've followed most of these rules/tips, you are guaranteed to get complimented. Making a statement can be tough. You want to make sure you look put together, but you also don't want to look too over the top. For a formal event, find a dress that you'll feel great in but also is trendy at the moment. And the color will probably be the most noticeable, so choose a good one! Then you want to make sure you've accessorize accordingly, not too much, not too little. And the shoes will be your finishing touch, so find some great ones!
This is one of the most important thing about dressing and styling. Most times, less is more, but occasionally, you can go crazy with accessories. On a day to day basis, I don't accessorize too much, tbh, I don't know why. But when I do accessorize, a necklace is a must, preferably a choker. I never leave the house without earrings or my bag of choice. When accessorizing, you want to be sure to keep it balanced. 
Color Is Good
This is something that I have to learn. I am a sucker for black, I think I may be obsessed. I love very neutral, dull colors, especially in the fall and winter. In the summer and spring months, I am always dressing in cute colors. I dress in more colors during the warmer months because I truly believe that my outfit reflects my mood. In the colder months, I'm not as happy as I am in the warmer weather.
Clean Your Closet Frequently
This is probably a given, but if I didn't make a point to clean my closet, I probably never would. I clean out my closet maybe once every two months. I really don't know if this is too much or too little, but it works for me! This is important to do so because as trends come and go, your closet can become outdated very quickly. Cleaning out your closet doesn't mean you have to get rid of anything, it simply means to organize it and reduce the clutter. Trust me, it would be much easier to pick out an outfit when you are able to see everything and it's nice and organized. I tend to organize my closet by article of clothing, like most people. So my pants go with all the pants, my sweaters go with all the sweaters, and so on. 


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