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5 Things To Keep In Mind This New Year

It's a new year! Wishing all the best for 2018! I thought I'd share a few things that are important to keep in mind this new year. For me, these are key to a successful year. Lately, I have been very unmotivated as I am currently on winter break. I find myself being extra lazy, lounging around the house all day, not really going out (mainly due to the extreme cold). I started the year off with a cold and honestly, it has taken a lot out of me. When I'm sick I don't want to see anyone, go out, or put make up on, so it has put a damper on starting the year off right. Here are a few things I am going to try to keep in mind for 2018 and maybe you will too!

Staying positive is a big one! This can be the basis of your whole year. Keeping a positive attitude will help when making decisions and going about your daily life. Odds are, you won't be positive 24/7, 365 days a year, now that wouldn't be normal. But, it's okay to have your moments. This can change your whole mindset and every interaction you have. Not only will it make your life a whole lot easier, but others will want to be around you, so try to have that glass half full attitude this 2018! 

I learned this one years ago. With technology and social media, this can be challenging. But there can be a balance. I am very much addicted to my phone but I have learned to spot the moments where it is necessary to put it down and take in my surroundings. Moments with my family and friends mean the world to me. Spending time with them makes my day ten times better. I have learned that the simple, little things can brighten my day and at times, are the ones people take for granted. Learn how to be present. Stop thinking about what you are going to be doing over the weekend or that embarrassing thing you did yesterday. This is not an easy thing to do, however. It is so difficult to stop reading those urgent emails and live in the moment. 

This is probably my number one goal this year. I am currently a junior in college and life is getting real as graduation gets closer and closer. Internships, grades, jobs, etc are consuming my mind. Frankly, my life has been a big IDK!! Well not really, but kind of. I am always conflicted with making the "right" choice. But what is the "right" choice? I have goals and dreams but sometimes struggle with how to make them a reality. I am doing well in school and am very comfortable with where I am at right now, but to be honest, the future scares me. I have to learn how to live in the moment, but also keep in mind my future and career goals. Staying organized and motivated are the most important ways of working toward a successful future. Take it one day at a time, stay positive, and surround yourself with people that give meaning to your life. 

This is also one that I think is super important. At the end of a long day all I think about is changing into cozy pajamas and watching some tv. Pampering yourself can be done in any way that makes you relax and destress. You could give yourself a facial, watch a rom com, sink into a bubble bath, or schedule a massage. No matter the case, doing so is important for the mind, body, and soul. You don't want to feel run down or stressed out for long periods of time, that will just put you into a bad attitude/mood. Taking time alone and to be by yourself for a while is beneficial for your state of mind. We can get so caught up in our daily lives, constantly working and stressing, but that is no way to live your life. Being happy changes your whole life. 

Great people surrounding your life is beneficial to living your life to the fullest. I am lucky to have great people in my life that do so much for me. They are there when I need them and will do anything for me. Some people take that for granted. Not a day goes by that I am not grateful for them. You don't get to choose your family, not everyone is blessed with great people and its not always easy to meet new people. It takes time to find people that are going to better your life, but a simple "hello" or smile can be a start. Making an effort to do something for someone else can make all the difference. Having special people in your life makes for great moments. Having a bad day? Make plans to meet up with a friend. Need a laugh? Spend a day with your family. Sometimes the greatest moments are unexpected and make for memories you'll remember forever. Some of my favorite memories are when I am on a family vacation or remember funny moments I shared with great people. 


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