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My Personal Style

Today I thought I would share with you what I describe my personal style as. Since this is a fashion blog, it's probably important that you know how I got my style, how it's changed over the years (for the better), and just little odds and ends of what I think of my style. 
I think I have always had a love for fashion ever since I was a little girl, like most young girls. My mom would always dress me up in cute outfits and do my hair all cute. Fun fact: I actually won the best hair award in Preschool lol! From the start, everyone in my family knew that fashion was my thing. As I started to get older, I started to gain a sense of style. I would pick out my own clothes and put different pieces together, even if they didn't go together. Playing dress up was my ultimate favorite thing to do. My cousin and I would always play dress up, and the saying is true, you never really stop playing dress up. My mom says that I would always sit in front of the tv, dump out all my dolls and their clothes, and just dress them up and style them. I like to think that each of them was one of my clients and I was their personal stylist. 
In school, I was always the fashionable one out of my group of friends. I would always dress up for school. My friends were not really into fashion as much as I was, so I always felt a little weird. They were always into sports, and I never was lol. But now that I think of it, that was what defined me and that was what I did to express myself. As I got older, fashion became a bigger and bigger part of my life. But, in middle school, I suddenly fell into this weird phase where I would wear lots of neon and black, ughhh! But those were my awkward years and I block those years out of my mind. Thank God my style has improved greatly since then. In high school, I won the Best Dressed senior and I wear that proudly!! 
Now that I am in college, I feel like I have finally found my style and am so in love with it. My style is always different. Some days I am grungy and edgy, some days I dress girly, and most days I am in between. Like anyone, I like to dress comfortably. There is nothing worse than not feeling comfortable and confident in what you are wearing. My style has evolved into lots of very modern, simple pieces. I really love sticking to trends, that is why I buy and wear a lot of simple pieces because I always like to keep it trendy. This way I can always have simple pieces hanging in my closet and when I want to dress very trendy, I can do that. I am highly influenced by what I see on social media and the so called "trends". I don't know what it is but, I like to be up to date on the latest. 
Like most people, my style and what I wear is dependent upon the mood that I am in. If I'm not feeling well, I'll throw on a hoodie and leggings and call it a day. If I am feeling super confident and ready to conquer the day, I'll put on my cutest outfit, the perfect pair of shoes, and a bold lip! But I think it's really important to keep that balance. I think the best way I can describe my style is simple layered with trends. I am a very visual person and I think that really effects what I wear. When I am walking through the city, going to class, I always find myself looking at other people. Not to be creepy, but to see what they are wearing and how they wear certain things. Street style has a always been a favorite of mine and that is truly where I get my inspiration from. Whether I an strolling the streets or scrolling through social media, I can always find something to adapt into my own personal style and I am always finding new ways to style different pieces! This can also be bad for my wallet though, if I see something I really love, I can't get my mind off of it and immediately have to purchase it!
Finding your own personal style can be difficult. But remember that its you who has to love it. You have to feel comfortable and confident. You have to proudly own it! I believe that that is what makes your personal style, your confidence and passion is the final touch!


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