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Life As A Fashion Student

For the past 3-ish years I have been enrolled as a Fashion student. My major is Fashion Merchandising and Retailing and I love every bit of it. I realize I have never really talked about it on my blog, so as I enter my first term as a Senior, it's probably time I talk a little bit about my experiences. I started out as a wide-eyed and eager student ready to learn more about what I have been so passionate about. It took me a while to fully grasp and understand the whole "college life", but like anything else, it took some trial and error to figure out what worked best for me. To clarify: my major has nothing to do with fashion design, that is a whole other side to the fashion industry that I did consider, but realized I have no drawing/sewing skills. 
With every class, I fell more in love with my major. Some classes I have taken are: Intro to Retailing, Textiles, Fashion Forecasting, Fashion Promotion, Visual Merchandising, The Business of Fashion, Merchandise Mathematics, and I my school requires Fashion Lab- which consists of many hands on simulations in the fashion industry such as: a buying simulation, catalog creation, styling a client, promoting a new fashion item, etc. The class also takes a trip to New York City to visit with Fashion companies- which was such an amazing experience!! To sum up, I have taken so many courses that are really beneficial to my future career. The fashion industry has many opportunities. One might think that it's just about retail and design, but it is so much more than that. 

This is a photo from my trip to NYC- it was such a great experience and I really felt like I fit in!

I am now in my capstone fashion/retail course, aka my last required fashion/retail course. This course is all about the decision making process in the retail industry. I know the course is definitely going to be intense and require lots of hard work, but I am up for the challenge. I have gotten so comfortable with my day to day routines and projects that time has just flown by in what seems like a blink of an eye. 
After this term, I have a few free elective credits and an internship and then I complete my Bachelor's degree! I don't know what the future holds, but I know it will be filled with great experiences! What do I hope to be doing? Well that's a broad question. I have many interests within the fashion industry and I hope to try a little bit of everything, and if I really fall in love with something, I hope that it will be a big part of my professional career. I love styling, whether it's styling a client or even being a personal shopper- I think I could definitely be happy and successful. I also love visuals- I'd love to do some visual merchandising. Since I took my fashion forecasting class, I fell in love with the process and the creative aspect of it. I have always loved the social media/marketing aspect of the retail/fashion industry and this past term, I took a social media marketing class that reassured my passion for that aspect of the industry. And of course, I'd love to be a buyer for a well known fashion brand. 
There are so many opportunities and I'd love to experience different aspects of the fashion/retail industry. As of now, I am focused on completing my degree and completing an internship. I don't know what post-graduation will hold, but I know that I do not want to limit myself or settle for something. I have always loved the idea of having my own business, I have even toyed with the idea of creating a business specializing in styling/personal shopping/event planning/closet organization, but first, I need to get some relevant experience under my belt. As for the destination- I'd love to start small. I do not want to stay in my home state forever. Boston seems like a great place, but the dream has always been New York City. Even though it scares me, I think there would be endless opportunities there and I think I could really create a great life there. No matter where I end up or what I end up doing, the end goal has always been to be happy and to love my career. 

Comment with any questions you may have! And, as always, hope you enjoyed!:) 
Here a a few (of many) projects of mine that I have done over the years!


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