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A Typical Day In My Life

I start my day around 8:30/9:00. The first thing I do is scroll through social media as I lay in bed, because it takes me a while to really wake up. Scrolling through Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for all things pop culture news, fashion news, and politics (ugh) is a great way to start my day so that I am informed and haven't missed out on anything major as I slept. 
After about a half an hour of scrolling, I make myself some breakfast, sometimes it's a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich, scrambled eggs or a bagel- but no matter what, I need my coffee! While I eat my breakfast, I watch tv (normally reruns of That 70's Show, Scrubs, or Jersey Shore is on). 
Once I have finished eating breakfast, sometimes I'll finish up any last minute homework or do some organizing around my house. 
On Mondays and Wednesdays, I wake up and get ready a little earlier, as I have class earlier on in the day. So I usually start getting dressed and ready by 10:00 so I can have time to get dressed, do my make up and hair, all the while watching Netflix as I get ready. I leave the house by 10:50 so that I can get to campus for my 11:30 class. Once I get to campus, I grab a nice venti drink at Starbucks to get me through my classes. My classes run till about 3:30. Some days I head straight home to relax for a bit before heading to work at TJ Maxx, but on the days I don't have to work I head home, finish up homework, eat dinner and unwind by watching tv. And on some Mondays and Wednesdays, when I feel like it, I go to a Zumba class to workout. But it totally depends on whether I am motivated or not! 

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, my days are pretty boring. I only have one class and that's at 1:40, so I have a good part of the morning to get stuff done. I do my normal routine, but head out a bit later so that I can get to campus around 1:30, just in time to grab my second coffee of the day. My class also runs till 3:30 and afterwards I head home. And sometimes, if I have time to kill, I hang out at the library or Starbucks on campus to do homework. 
I attend college in a relatively small city so I always try to venture out to new places, mostly cafes- which is a favorite hobby of mine. And I am constantly snapping pictures of my surroundings because I love the city!  
On Fridays, I don't have class, so I pretty much spend the whole day doing homework and getting a head start on my homework for the next week. Some Fridays I work at night. 
On the weekends, I work, but not too much! I spend a lot of time with my family because during the week our schedules are all so different. 
This is just a general overview of a typical day for me. But some days can be different though. In the summer, however, my schedule changes quiet a bit- it becomes much more fun! 
Hope You Enjoyed!:) 


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